From the earth I hear a cry
Shattered dreams, a desolate why
A mother weeps for her children
We look on in disbelief
Shedding tears of anger and grief
Can there be hope for tomorrow?
As the world plays selfish games
Sowing terror, death and rage
No faith must take the blame
Not in my name
Not in my name
لا بإسمي
(La bi s mi – La bi s mi)
I have seen the power of tears
I know love is stronger than fear
I won’t let hatred win over
I believe justice can win
I believe peace starts from within
With truth and mercy and kindness
Others may not understand
Yet this choice is who I am
I shall not be ashamed
This is my name
This is my name
هذا إسمي
(Ha da i s mi)
Come oh God, make us a light
Help us strive for all that is right
We’ll shine like stars in the darkness
Guide us on the path of peace
In your mercy set us free
Dispel the mist of illusion
Each of us a gleaming drop
That reflects the face of God
Millions of us will join as one
Ocean of flame
Ocean of love
Ocean of flame
This is our name
هذا إسمنا
(Ha da i s mu na)
Each of us a gleaming drop
That reflects the face of God
Millions of us will join as one
Ocean of flame
Ocean of love
Ocean of flame
This is our name

From the Inside Outside
Musica: Jueun Bai, Nancy L. Uelmen
Testo: Nancy L. Uelmen, Jueun Bai
© Copyright Gen Verde della P.A.F.O.M.
All rights reserved