Beyond the horizon where darkness looms
The wind carries sand from distant desert dunes
With echoes of cruelty and cries unheard
And evil that bears all the weight of the world
A nighttime of hatred reigns in hearts and minds
The rage of injustice makes us all go blind
The man who in fury takes the sword and fights
No longer sees it’s a brother he strikes
God of all,
If today I must drink from this cup full of bitterness
I will lay down my life for you,
For this people I love
For the man who will come with a knife
In the dead of the night and will take my life from me
My last thought and my last prayer will be for you
The friend I meet in my final moment
Who knows not what he’s doing
You can be certain
I forgive you from my heart
May your bloodstained hands be washed by these my tears
And may you only feel the presence
Of a love you’ve never known
Love which I hope one day will grow
In your soul
Some people will think that death has prevailed
They’ll say love is weakness and mercy has failed
And yet I believe that the Heavens will open
Then we shall know even as we are known
I believe
In the gaze of the Father I’ll see all humanity
All the world as he means it to be
Different peoples one family
In God’s face I will finally discover
The image of my face and that of my brother
My last thought and my last prayer will be for you
The friend I meet in my final moment
And in God’s hands I leave you
In his forgiveness
I commend you to his care
I hope we shall find each other once again
In the endless joy of Heaven
We’ll see God face to face
One in the Father’s warm embrace
Of us all
In sha’Allah
In sha’Allah
In sha’Allah

My Last Thought
Musica: M. Thérèse Henderson, Nancy L. Uelmen
Testi: Paola Stradi
© Copyright Gen Verde della P.A.F.O.M.
All rights reserved