La canzone “Love’s True Meaning” è adatta per le celebrazioni pasquali per la lavanda dei piedi.
Testo – Love’s True Meaning
We look upon you now,
our Teacher and our Lord.
We watch as you bow down
and kneel before us all,
leave majesty aside
to wrap a towel around your waist,
and teach us love’s true meaning
is in serving.
Lord, help us learn,
help us live just like you
and remember this great sign you give us:
only those who best know how
to love and serve
are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
With wonder then we see
our Teacher and our Lord
bow down to wash our feet
then ask us something more:
To do as you have shown
and give love its true meaning,
to put ourselves aside and
serve each other.
Lord, help us learn,
help us live just like you
and remember this great sign you give us:
Only those who best know how
to love and serve
are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Ascolta e leggi i testi di altri brani simili a Love’s True Meaning: Non c’è amore più grande, No Greater Love.
He’s Alive

Testo: Paola Stradi
Musica: Nancy L. Uelmen, M. Thérèse Henderson, Jocelyn K. Belamide
© Copyright Gen Verde della P.A.F.O.M.
All rights reserved