Horizon 2000
Versão em inglês do show Le sfide del 2000 (Os desafios de 2000).
#RhythmoftheWorld #Screamingsilence #Theproblemoftoday #INeedYou #MiracleofLove #ImageofOurWorld #TheEarthImprisioned #IfHeReturned #HopeForTheWorld #SowingTheSeed #ReachingForLight #BreezeofTheNight #NewLife #TheHarvest #Prestoilmattino #Earth’sSong #SingAloudForJoy
- Horizon 2000
- Screaming silence/The problem of today
- I Need You
- Miracle of Love
- Image of Our World
- The Earth Imprisoned
- If He Returned
- Hope For The World
- Sowing The Seed
- Reaching For Light
- Breeze of The Night
- New Life
- The Harvest
- Presto il mattino
- Earth’s Song
- Sing Aloud For Joy