La canción “Walk On Holy Ground” es adecuada para animar momentos de oración y reflexión. A continuación encontrarás también la versión oficial en francés (Avec toi j’irai) y en portugués (Junto a ti caminharei).
Texto – Walk On Holy Ground
From the moment I first heard your call
Lord, I left the rest behind me
You alone became my all
Grant that I may keep my eyes on you
May I learn to look within and see beyond
And I will walk on holy ground
I’ll hear your voice, I’ll see your face
I will find you in the crowd
Lord, I will go where you will lead me
I will walk on holy ground
Lord, you came to set the captives free
And to heal the broken-hearted
Reaching out to those in need
Servant of the poor, now you send me
As your sign of love for all humanity
And I will walk on holy ground
I’ll hear your voice, I’ll see your face
I will find you in the crowd
Lord, I will go where you will lead me
I will walk on holy ground
You are near,
You are here,
Here beside me Lord
In the cries of all the hungry and the homeless
You are there
In the eyes of the forsaken and forgotten
You are there
In my fears and in my failures,
In the silent depths of my own poverty
You are there
Et avec toi, j’irai Seigneur,
J’entends ta voix, et je te vois
dans les pauvres autour de moi
Je te suivrai où tu me conduis
Je te vois auprès de moi
Y junto a ti caminaré
Te seguiré, me guiarás
Oh Señor te encontraré
Entre la gente codo a codo
Tu amor yo llevaré
Je te vois près de moi
You are here
On holy ground
Special thanks to Claire Couplet and Lieva Vandenbroeck for their help with the lyrics in French.
Escucha y lee la letra de otras canciones similares a Walk On Holy Ground: Con te Camminerò, Junto A Ti Caminaré.
Walk On Holy Ground

Scripture references: Matt. 13:44-46; Ex. 3:6;
Matt. 4:19-20; Luke 4:18;
Matt. 25:34-40; 2 Cor. 12:9-10
Música: Nancy L. Uelmen, Jueun Bai
Letra: Nancy L. Uelmen, Alessandra Pasquali
© Copyright Gen Verde della P.A.F.O.M.
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