Nos impresionó mucho ver cómo jóvenes de todo el mundo salían a la calle para expresar su intención de luchar por proteger el medio ambiente. Por eso nació la canción Turn Around. Una canción creada junto con un coro virtual de jóvenes de varias naciones. Unidos a ellos, quisimos expresar nuestro compromiso de sanar nuestra casa común, convencidos de que aún no es demasiado tarde para cambiar de rumbo…
Letra – Turn Around
Turn, turn, turn around
Turn, turn, turn around
Once I spoke with an astronaut
Just came back from the moon with the stars in his eyes
He said: up there I learned a lot
Something changes inside when you see the Earth rise
Turn, turn, turn around
Turn, turn, turn around
Got no boundaries and no walls
That living breathing ball
Love is underneath it all
Beneath the blue and green
Connecting everything
Turn, turn, turn around
I met a girl, she was very young
Yet she spoke burning words with a fire in her eyes
She said: Hey, something’s really wrong
Deserts grow, people die while the oceans rise
She said: Can’t you see the urgency?
You pretend that you care then you look away
You are trampling on our hopes and dreams
We can’t wait for a change, got to start today
Turn, turn, turn around
You can feel it in the breeze
And touch it in the trees
You hear the waterfall
Love is underneath it all
It’s running in the fields
And swimming in the deep
Beneath the blue and green
Connecting everything
Oh… yeah I believe it isn’t too late to turn around
Oh… yeah I believe it isn’t too late, too late,
too late, too late
Turn, turn, turn around /Turn, turn, turn around
Come Creator Spirit
Fill us with your love
Guide us on the narrow road
To heal our common home
You can feel it in the breeze
Come Creator Spirit
And touch it in the trees
Fill us with your love
There beneath the blue and green
Guide us on the narrow road
Connecting everything
To heal our common home
You can feel it in the breeze
Come Creator Spirit
And touch it in the trees,
You hear the waterfall
Fill us with your love
Love is underneath it all
It’s running in the fields
Guide us on the narrow road
And swimming in the deep
Beneath the blue and green
To heal our common home
Connecting everything
Oh… yeah I believe it isn’t too late to turn around
Oh… yeah I believe it isn’t too late, too late,
too late, too late…
Turn, turn, turn around / Time to turn around
Escucha y lee la letra de otras canciones similares a Turn Around: We Choose Peace, Wave of Love.
Turn Around

Música y Letra: Nancy L. Uelmen, Jueun Bai
© Copyright Gen Verde della P.A.F.O.M.
All rights reserved