La canción «Peace Prayer«, versión en inglés de «Preghiera semplice» también es adecuada para animar momentos de oración y reflexión.
Letra – Peace Prayer
May I be
An instrument of peace
Your instrument of peace
Is all I want to be
Where there’s hatred, may I bring your love
Where there’s injury, let me bring your forgiveness
Where there’s discord, may unity flower
Where there’s doubt, true faith in you
May your truth reign, where there is injustice
And may hope shine where there is despair
Where there’s sorrow, let me bring joy
Where there’s darkness, only light
May I be
An instrument of peace
Your instrument of peace
Is all I want to be
Grant that I may never seek so much
to be loved, to be consoled or understood
But that I may strive with all I can
To console, to love and understand
It’s in giving that we receive
When we pardon, that we can be pardoned
And in dying that we awaken
To a life which never ends
May I be
An instrument of peace
Your instrument of peace
Is all I want to be
Escuche y lea los textos de otras canciones similares a Peace Prayer: Preghiera semplice, Accendi la pace.
Peace Prayer

Música: Nancy L. Uelmen, Jocelyn K. Belamide
Letra: Paola Stradi
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