Our Father, here we stand and in all our nothingness we turn to you,
Who alone know every heart and can read each hidden part, all of it true.
Grant the pardon that we seek and with mercy give your peace and your forgiveness.
Our Father, please forgive each and all our trespasses, wash them away.
Lack of love on other’s part, wounds too deep for words to start and tell the pain.
Now the pardon that you bring we in turn are offering to one another.
Now’s the time to make a new beginning,
Time to show forgiveness speaking words of truth,
To shine bright as stars which light the heavens,
Shining in the darkness we all turn to you,
in unity.
“Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”.
Our Father, help us to forgive each other. Not out of forgetfulness, weakness or indifference. Not because serious wrongs are not important or because bad things are good, but with great courage and freedom, to welcome others just as they are, just as you accept every single person in spite of their faults”.
Now’s the time to make a new beginning,
Time to show forgiveness speaking words of truth,
To shine bright as stars which light the heavens,
Shining in the darkness we all turn to you,
in unity.
“Do not let yourselves be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”.
Our Father, give us new eyes and the heart of a mother towards each person. Give us that mercy which covers everything, trusts, believes and hopes everything. Grant us the grace of a complete amnesty in our hearts, of mutual, universal forgiveness, that you may open up for all of us the possibility of a new beginning, a future where wrongs no longer have the last word.
Now’s the time to make a new beginning,
Time to show forgiveness speaking words of truth,
To shine bright as stars which light the heavens,
Shining in the darkness we all turn to you, in unity.
Holy Spirit, fall anew on us like the morning dew as you know how.
Bind up every broken heart, to our souls new hope impart, make us whole now.
Come you clear and burning flame, all our ashes blow away, with gentle mercy.
Holy Spirit, raise us up, clothe us in your endless love, give us new birth.
Scatter us as many seeds, sowing your fraternity throughout the earth.
Come as fiery burning glow, come as torrents rushing flow, a new creation.
Now’s the time to make a new beginning,
Time to show forgiveness speaking words of truth,
To shine bright as stars which light the heavens,
Shining in the darkness we all turn to you,
Time to rise like stars which shine in brightness
And beyond our darkness lighten every heart.
On the earth just as it is in heaven
When you walk among us heaven’s where we are.

A New Beginning
Music: Nancy L. Uelmen, Jocelyn K. Belamide
Words: Sarah G. McAllister
© Copyright Gen Verde della P.A.F.O.M.
All rights reserved