25 May 2023 Gen Verde in Europe | Part 2 The second part of Gen Verde's tour in Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Austria during May.
25 May 2023 Gen Verde in Europe | Part 1 The recap of the first part of the Gen Verde tour to Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Austria during May.
5 May 2023 “Girl on a Mission (Magnificat)”. Gen Verde’s new song for WYD 2023 Gen Verde releases a new single for World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal
3 March 2023 Gen Verde: “Con te camminerò” & “Junto a ti caminaré” Gen Verde releases the Italian version "Con te camminerò" and the Spanish version “Junto a ti caminaré” of their song "Walk on Holy Ground".
3 March 2023 Meeting in Perugia’s prison and concert in Assisi Gen Verde meet the women and men in Perugia’s prison before the concert "Fratelli Tutti - Music for Peace" in Assisi
20 February 2023 Gen Verde back in Dortmund! Start Now Workshop Project together with 170 students in Dortmund, Germany.