

Mary, flower of humanity

These 11 songs are a homage to Mary the mother of Jesus. Some are well-known songs with new arrangements while others make their debut on this album. Songbook available in physical format.

Also listen Maria, fiore dell’umanità – Instrumental Backing Tracks.

#AveMaria #HereIam #SpecchiodiDio #Mariavogliamoamarti #Battebatte #CantoateMaria #Mialmacanta #NinnanannadiMaria #SalveRegina #Viveredentro #AveMariaGregoriano

  1. Ave Maria
  2. Here I am
  3. Specchio di Dio
  4. Maria, vogliamo amarti
  5. Batte, batte
  6. Canto a te, Maria
  7. Mi alma canta
  8. Ninna nanna di Maria
  9. Salve Regina (2007)
  10. Vivere dentro
  11. Ave Maria Gregoriano