


Collection of songs mostly in English from the 70’s up to 1981.

#Journeytothesun #Unitè #Notimetolose #Muweeranammwemuliweebwa #Howtostoptime #Lagrandecasa #Notesofamelody #Youareworthmuchmore #Anopenroad #Peramore #Comopossononcantare #Anewsun

  1. Unitè
  2. No time to lose
  3. Muwe era nammwe muliweebwa
  4. How to stop time
  5. La grande casa
  6. Notes of a melody
  7. You are worth much more
  8. An open road
  9. Per amore
  10. Come posso non cantare
  11. A new sun